Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Abraham Lincoln! Modern Day Abe Designs

Lincoln’s 200th birthday is just around the corner. Happy birthday Abe! Why are we in the 21st century and still obsessed with a 19th-century man? Presenting 21st-Century Abe:

1 comment:

Venita Benitez said...

I'm glad somebody out there realizes this important day with these t-shirts! Happy B-Day "Abe"!! President Obama, have the courage (a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear)that on the backs of slaves, our Nations Capital and White House, Washington DC - Liberty Cap must be understood by all. President Lincoln's oth, that everyman be freed. Congress... Let us be heard. www.projecta23.com. Sincerely, Venita Bentiez, Founder